Can you get addicted to CBD?

Can you get addicted to CBD?


This question has been raised in several discussions among clinicians, addition treatment specialists, and the general public, yet there hasn’t been an “official” answer handed down.  We’ll share what we know – the World Health Organization has a series of tests with which they determine a substance is addictive or not, however, this is the same organization that previously sanctioned calling cannabis a Schedule 1 drug, so take it for what it’s worth.  In the WHO’s report they stated that “An orally administered dose of 600 mg of CBD did not differ from placebo on the scales of the Addiction Research Centre Inventory, a 16 items Visual Analogue Mood Scale, subjective level of intoxication or psychotic symptoms.”

According to, CBD, as we know, lacks the psychoactive components to create a “high.”  CBD is a therapy and it can impact receptors in the brain enabling it to provide users with relief for numerous conditions.  There’s plenty of science that is cited in the post online from them, but ultimately, they agree that although anything can be cause a psychological addiction, CBD is NOT physically addictive.

Research in the past few years has made references to CBD and THC being useful in treating addictions and the withdrawal symptoms that accompany a detox.  That’s further validation of what medical cannabis and CBD patients already know – these are botanical wonders.