First day of state legislative filing sees 5 medical marijuana, no hemp bills

First day of state legislative filing sees 5 medical marijuana, no hemp bills


State lawmakers can pre-file legislation for the upcoming 2020 session as early as December 1. The first days of bill filing saw 5 bills that would directly impact the industry or patients. Due to the business nature of the industry and medical nature of patients, there are several more bills that could hold an indirect impact, ranging from tax reform to gun rights to employment. 

Three of the bills filed in the Missouri House of Representatives and one bill filed in the Missouri State Senate are similar, if not identical, to last year, including expungement, minority stake, applicant information protections, and packaging. No bills related to hemp – industrial or medicinal – have been filed yet. 

Full bill language for the below bills is yet to be published online but is typically available within one week. 

Other bills related to the industry are expected to also be filed, including parental rights, employee rights, and banking protections. 

Over 325 pieces of legislation were filed in the House and over 270 pieces of legislation in the Senate on the first day of filing. Legislation can continue to be filed well into the active legislative session until March 1. The state legislative session begins on January 8, 2020, and closes on May 15, 2020.

  • HB1376 filed by Rep. Barbara Washington 
    • 3821H.01I – Adds provisions relating to minority stake interests in medical marijuana businesses
  • HB1385 filed by Rep. Barbara Washington
    • 3806H.01I – Requires the court to expunge certain marijuana offenses
  • HB1455 filed by Rep. Nick Schroer
    • 3704H.01I – Prevents the state government from sharing medical marijuana user or applicant information with the federal government and others
  • HJR72 filed by Rep. Chuck Basye     
    • 3619H.01I – Directs a percentage of medical marijuana tax revenue to a dedicated fund for University of Missouri School of Law Veterans Clinic
  • SB 764 filed by Sen. Bob Onder
    • Prohibits certain types of marketing of medical marijuana products
    • This act prohibits the sale of edible marijuana-infused products that are designed, produced, or marketed in a manner to appeal to persons under 18 years of age, including candies, lollipops, cotton candy, or products in the shape of a human, animal, or fruit. Each increment of an edible marijuana-infused product containing 10 or more milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) shall be stamped with a diamond containing the letters “THC” and the number of milligrams of THC in that increment. Any medical marijuana licensed or certified entity regulated by the Department of Health and Senior Services found to have violated this act shall be subject to sanctions, including an administrative penalty.
    • This act is identical to a provision in the perfected SCS/SB 6 (2019) and similar to SB 335 (2019).