Background check PIN still unavailable, DHSS releases backup plan

Background check PIN still unavailable, DHSS releases backup plan


Fingerprinting for background checks are required for owners and managers of medical marijuana facilities – however, a key component of the full background check is still unavailable.

For those attempting to conduct background checks, the Department of Health and Senior Services does not yet have the 4-digit PIN from law enforcement that will be required.

If the code for fingerprint-based criminal record checks is not available before facility applications are due, the Department may utilize a waiver provision to allow applicants to complete the application without the attestation. If necessary, the department may utilize the waiver provisions of 19 CSR 30-95.025 to allow facilities to apply without completing this attestation. In cases where the code is available before August 3 but certain individuals are unable to comply with the fingerprinting requirement due to conflicts (i.e. international travel), the department may also consider variance requests per 19 CSR 30-95.025.

The PIN will be posted online when it is available.

All owners who hold any portion of the economic or voting interest of a medical marijuana facility who will also have access to medical marijuana or the medical marijuana facility, and all officers, directors, board members, managers, and employees identified in the application must submit fingerprints for a criminal record check within the six months prior to submission of the facility’s application.

The awaited PIN is to complete the FBI portion of the background check.

A fingerprint instruction form was recently released by DHSS, as well, and can be viewed here. The form will be updated when the PIN is available.

Read more about the background checks here:

Applicants await background check PIN